Martes, Agosto 5, 2014



Philippine President Benigno Simeon Aquino successfully delivered his fifth State of the Nation Address (SONA) last July 28 at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City. He discussed matters regarding the country’s economy, defenses, public works, education, and many more.

            For five consecutive years, Aquino used Filipino language for the delivery of his 5th SONA.  "The Filipino is definitely worth fighting for." This message was mentioned by our President during his fifth State of the Nation Address (SONA) in front of the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives in Batasan Complex, Quezon City last July 28, 2014. In his talk, the government meant well. There was no admission of any major problems in the system, and nothing about what is eating the country from the inside and out: Corruption. All of the funds, according to the president, went to the places they are supposed to go. There are new fighter jets, helicopters and a landing ship. There are also new weaponry and arsenal for soldiers and police officers alike.  Respondents and relief workers were quick during disaster situations. The education has been widespread all over the country that our natives are now sent to school. This administration deserves a lot of credit for what it has done for the country. It is now at investment rate, the economy is flourishing, and there are no bloody conflicts or horrendous kidnappings. Plans for road development and improvements, housing, schools, and other infrastructure are underway. The president’s SONA is full of metaphors; at some point he was the captain on a ship, ferrying the Filipino people from an island of corruption to an island of flourishing beauty. It’s all so dreamy – he discussed mainly the beauty of what is on the surface, but not what is rotting at the core.

It is all very superficial. Despite the improvements, there are matters deep in the crevices of the system greatly affecting the country that have been left unmentioned. There are many comparisons between his administration and the old, and most of all, there is lot of spite expressed from his attackers. We appreciate the positivity and the improvements but sheer avoidance of more pressing matters is not a development in any form.

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